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What Will My Donation Do?
Puppy rescue - pre adoption spay/neuterEvery day, we are inundated with pleas to spare the lives of puppies that are found by the too few passersby who cared enough to at least, reach out for help. We suffer the loss of each puppy we have to turn away. Unfortunately, the free spay/neuter program is only for adult dogs here and virtually no one adopts adult dogs. Therefore, we must pay for the pediatric spay/neuter by a private veterinarian. Parvo is a deadly virus that is rampant here and each puppy must be vaccinated.
It costs us on average about $250 USD to care for a puppy until they are ready for adoption. This includes pediatric sterilization by an expert veterinarian, all vaccinations, anti parasite medications, food, clean bedding, and a temperature controlled environment when necessary. The adoption donation from Uruguayans (about $30 USD) has proven to be the most effective way of screening families and helping to ensure a good life for the puppy. What we want to be clear about is that your donation not only spares the life of the one puppy, but the countless offspring that might have been born had the puppy somehow survived to 6 months. |